Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Professional Development.

Hello everybody!
I would like to share a few concepts and ideas about "Professional Development", which is frequently discussed among the current society. Professional development is a essential factor in any students life, this point is further discussed below.

To start off with, Professional development is referred to as the skills, knowledge and requirements needed for both personal development and career goals. There are of course, different slants that help advance professional development which include practice, study, supervision, coaching consultation and technical assistance. Professional development also takes place in a university degree program, this basically includes the skills and knowledge disseminated within the university degree program that helps to advance a individuals personal development and it certainly does help a individual identify and develop his/her career goals effectively and efficiently. This is also a stage which helps an individual evaluate his or her personal self, a concentrated stage with combined skills that help appraise one’s skills or abilities that would further help in the future. 

An individual or in this case, a student may play a part in professional development to improve interests in order to learn throughout not only in university but for a lifespan. Professional development also helps a student enhance his/her career goals. Progressing with a proper and well recognized career is one of the main objectives any university student would have and in order to achieve and passage along with a good career, one must develop immensely with the help of professional development. This also includes adapting to the changes in the current society or even applying an persons skills to help embrace with the environment. Also in order to reach a high goal, a student must follow professional development to identify and improve in areas needed. 

As for my opinion, professional development certainly does play a major role in a student’s life. Professional development helps an individual develop in certain open-ended areas that is usually difficult to correct. Reaching a goal or obtaining a high class career is not easy or pleasing as it looks, it sure is one hard task, although professional development does help clear doubts and barriers in specific areas or situations. There are of course, many ways in practicing professional development and each way would defiantly have an impact on a student’s life in one way or another. Practice, study, supervision, a personal SWOT, managing time and the other mentioned methods of professional development is of great help when it comes to focusing and concentrating on development and further achievements. Professional development could be handled in different ways  depending on an individual and his/her beliefs and if practiced wisely, professional development will improve and help a individual reach his/her goal with less mistakes and more success.

There are also a variety of techniques that help in professional development. A few examples of such techniques or methods are as follows: 

o   The use of a personal SWOT
o   Time management
o   Individual learning plan
o   And other methods such as practice, study, supervision, coaching consultation and technical assistance
The above methods help increase professional development in an effective and efficient manner.
Going in detail, a SWOT analysis is a method in which a student analyses himself/herself in a way were strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are all brought out with the help of investigation. One’s personal SWOT analysis could tell a lot about a person including ways and areas in which improvements could be made. Every individual has his/her weaknesses and mistakes are made, that’s only human but failures could be corrected by a SWOT analysis, similarly threats could be avoided using strengths and opportunities could be used to reach one step higher. Theoretically Strengths and weaknesses are internal which means it could be controlled by ones inner self, meanwhile, opportunities and threats are considered as external factors which are usually controlled by the external environment although all factors or a SWOT analysis reflect an individual personally. A technique like a personal SWOT could be used often in order to boost up his/her goals and correct what is necessary. Not everything stays the same within an individual internally or even with the external environment and there for SWOT analysis should be practiced habitually to increase effectiveness of changes that are made and that are about to be made.  

Furthermore organization of time could help profoundly in professional development. Working according to the allocated time in other words, being organized is a great advantage since more work will be done efficiently in such manner. Being unorganized, working out of time will affect every step and move in the future and will also affect an individual’s professional development. In order to increase effectiveness and improve personal development, proper time should be allotted for each mission that has to be completed. Setting goals isn’t enough if it isn’t achieved on time or according to the agreed time. Plans should be set and times should be managed to generate an effective outcome.

An individual learning plan also could help in many and more ways. Learning happens every day, regardless the age or gender of an individual, and therefore a learning plan could help organize learning so that the absorption of knowledge could happen effectively with no further negative effects.

Moreover methods such as such as practice, study, supervision, coaching consultation and technical assistance are faultlessly assured methods of professional development that also brush and improve an individual personal development and career objectives.

With experience and attempt of several of the above techniques, it is clearly visible that such methods help in gaining confidence and it further helps in finding the right purpose, the right career and the right decisions throughout. Professional development is useful and has become essential in the lives of nearly every student and such techniques could be used to improve and develop a student in many ways.

Learning something new will help you take a step towards success

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